Royal Court of the Eternal Kingdom of Heaven now adjourned
Firstly, thank you to my Heavenly Father for allowing me to retain my position despite my health condition. I hope that my works are acceptable before your Throne and before the Eternal Kingdom of Heaven. I am well, thank you Heavenly Father for your concern....
Please take your seats
Those of you who have been assigned seating by the Eternal Kingdom and the Royal Court may now proceed to your chairs. We would like to take the time to remind you of our laws, and so we are here to serve. If you have any concerns or requests, please don’t...
Introducing my Queen to the Royal Court
Thank you to my beautiful Rachelyn for your patience and understanding. Please enjoy your official introductions for the Eternal Kingdom (I know how much you loved the VW Beetle, so please enjoy the Herby): Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot...